Knitting my way through life

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Let the Christmas knitting begin!

And now comes the time of year when I can't really talk about anything I'm knitting....because it could be for you ;)

But now that Solar Decathlon is over and done with, I can start to get back on track with my knitting. After this past weekend's hockey games (we won a lot) in which I earned my battle scars including this:

and possibly a minor concussion (too stubborn to go to the doctor), I've got my Christmas knitting underway! I've started on it a little (a lot) later than I would have liked, but at least it got started at all.

I have just a tiny bit of this:

With a whole lot more where that came from:

And I'm eying these babies from my stash as some possible candidates for some smaller presents.

This is entirely overambitious and I would probably never be able to finish these projects by Christmas if I had the power to bend time. However, I am pressing on. This could get messy.